Mallard Ducks

Mallards are the largest and most common of the duck species in our hunting territory. The characteristic emerald colored head of the drakes makes them standout even in flight.

Pintail Ducks

Pintails are quite commonly harvested in the first half of our fall season with large numbers of resident nesting pairs in our territory. 

Canada Geese

Canada Geese are harvested throughout our 8 week season with the small migratory subspecies arriving mid way through the season.

Sandhill Cranes

These majestic birds reside and migrate through our territory in the early season. Sandhills are harvested for their rich tasting meat comparable to beef steak.

Snow Geese

Migrating snow geese settle into our hunting grounds mid season with millions stopping to feed on the abundance of food found throughout the rich farmland.

White-front Geese

Commonly called specklebelly geese based on their appearance can be harvested from mid to end of season throughout our hunting territory.